Welcome to Grand Yoga!

| 11-26, 2008

For some reason you opened Grand Yoga’s web page, well then, let me welcome you !

Grand Yoga is a site done for you and by you. Therefore, I urge you, since now, to collaborate with us to enrich it and to improve it.  

Grand-Yoga intends to be a site for information sharing on Yoga (in all its aspects and traditions, including the Buddhism): events, lectures, teachings, finally, any information that can be useful to whom is interested in Yoga.  

The Grand-Yoga site, that now opens to the public, is presented as a beta version (in other words, temporary). But, probably, the version will always be beta, since we will constantly try to update it and complete it with information.  

How can you collaborate?  

In several ways: you can, since now, leave comments to the posts. But also, you can help us enrich the site. If you known about some event on Yoga, please tell us, we will try to put the information on-line. You can even send us your suggestions using our contacts.  

If you have a Yoga school, or if you are a yoga teacher, we would like to include your contact in our page of schools. You will be able to update your information any time, or to remove it, if you require so – no questions asked.  

If you are a beginner, know that you are welcome to the family of those who chose Yoga to beacon their lives and as a development path. We hope you find interesting documentation, here. Share your doubts with Grand Yoga, or write us through our contacts. We will always try to answer your questions.  


Paulo Sebastião  

Author and moderator of Grand Yoga


Category: Articles

About the Author ()

Paulo Sebastião is the author and moderator of Grand Yoga. Apprentice of Yoga since 1990, instructor since 1994, he teached Yoga between 1995 and 2000. In 2005 he had contact with Tibetan Buddhism, reinforcing his admiration and interest in Yoga in all its aspects and traditions.

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